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r <br /> 1- POBL. CWORKS �E��.:.` � /,_ <br /> a <br /> March 3,2005 <br /> Steve Hale <br /> 420 47th St SE <br /> Everett WA 98203-2711 <br /> Re: 47`h Street Pressure Sewer System Installation—Final Costs and Set-Up for <br /> Utility Billing <br /> Dear Steve Hale: <br /> The installation of a City owned sewer main in 47th Street SE is complete. Previous <br /> communications and letters from the City Utility Department have let residents know of the <br /> process for the conversion, and the subsequent sewer utility billing. <br /> The residences along this portion of 47th Street had fourteen septic systems that either are or <br /> were in use;the breakdown of the conversion and the properties are as follows: <br /> • Three properties(407, 403, and 313) are not participating in the conversion and are not <br /> required to because they are too distant from the city's new sewer. <br /> • Two lots(515 and 417)are"forced connections"per Everett Municipal Code <br /> 14.08.175.A relative to the development to the north. These owners will be notified once <br /> the new pump station in the Camberly development is operational. These homeowners <br /> will receive a separate letter detailing their situation. <br /> • Nine owners have committed to the conversion and will participate as covered by City <br /> ordinances (No. 1561-89, as amended by Nos. 1816-91, 2084-95, and 2688-3) and in <br /> EMC 14.08, which specifically covers septic to sewer conversions and cases where new <br /> sewers abut property and make new connections feasible: <br /> The final actual cost of the sanitary sewer extension in 47th St. was$20,792.94, or$2,310.33 per <br /> connection when divided between the nine properties benefiting from the new sewer(see <br /> Attachment A). These properties are now able to connect to the new sewer main,via the <br /> connection stubs that have been extended to the edge of the public right-of-way. <br /> Permits can be obtained and submitted through the City's Engineering and Permit Services, 2nd <br /> Floor 3200 Cedar Street(425-257-8810);please contact Kirk Brooks(see Attachment B for <br /> information). <br /> The share per residence will be paid back via an additional$13.32 monthly charge on your sewer <br /> bill. Per the EMC and ordinances,the cost to install the new main is split evenly by the <br /> properties that can be served by the new main. In this case the split is between all those <br /> participating residences or those within 150 feet of the end of our right-of-way. The existing <br /> City Everett Municipal Code and ordinances authorize the sewer utility to finance up to $4,000 <br /> me TY WEVOg an93War Street•Ev({a9 rett,W!198201 •(425)257-8800•Fax(425147;8882 <br />