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420 47TH ST SE 2018-04-12
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420 47TH ST SE 2018-04-12
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4/12/2018 3:19:32 PM
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4/12/2018 3:19:06 PM
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per existing single-family residence on septic systems toward the City's cost of new public sewer <br /> mains. Property owners receiving the benefit of the ability to connect to the sewer and the City <br /> financing the installation,will in turn pay an additional sewer service surcharge of$13.32 per <br /> month until the City advance made in their behalf is repaid(up to a 25 year payment period). <br /> Interest is not charged on the City financing of up to the$4,000. This surcharge will be over and <br /> above the regular service chargesand fees applicable to these properties. <br /> The current monthly sewer and surface water charge is$34.15 ($26.40 for sewer and$7.75 for <br /> surface water—you should already be receiving the surface water charge). By ordinance the <br /> monthly surface water and sewer rates will increase in 2006(from$34.15 in 2005 to$38.40 in <br /> 2006). <br /> The$13.32 monthly surcharge pays back the City's cost to install the sewers at no interest and <br /> based on the per share costs of connection($2,310.33) will take about 14 '/2 years to pay back. <br /> The surcharge starts once your residence is connected to the city's system per your connection <br /> application. <br /> The billing situation for the nine residences is as follows: <br /> For the three residences already connected(510, 514, and 516)—these residences have <br /> been charged for sewer since December 22,2004. The bills include the monthly sewer <br /> charge($26.40)and the$13.32 per month surcharge. The monthly surcharge amount <br /> will remain the same($13.32)until paid off interest free in about 14 %2 years. <br /> For the six addresses not connected yet(314, 315, 405,406,420, 500)you will receive a <br /> monthly sewer bill with a service start date of February 20, 2005 for the current added <br /> monthly amount of$26.40 for sewer. However,the City will track the amounts paid for <br /> sewer service over time(at the current sewer rate of$26.40 per month)and apply the <br /> payments to future connection fees. <br /> The ordinances allow the City to waive the connection fee for residences on septic <br /> systems connecting to the public sewer system within twelve(12)months of the date the <br /> City approves the new sewer main for connections (considered to be the date of this <br /> letter). Thus,property owners that submit a connection application within one year of <br /> this letter will have the($814 or$1,013 if over 2,000 SF)connection fee waived. <br /> The monthly surcharge will start once the residence is connected and then continue until <br /> the$2310 is repaid. <br /> According to the city's sewer connection ordinance these six residences must connect to - <br /> the new sewer main within 30 days of the receipt of this letter,which serves as a formal <br /> notice that the sewer main is available for connection. Also per ordinance,residences can <br /> apply for a waiver to delay the connection for up to 10 years. However,the Utilities <br /> Dept. is still required to bill for the combined sewer/surface water charges. Please <br /> contact Kirk Brooks if interested in the waiver. <br /> S••\#Common <br /> \01etica1\MAILING\4th final let o3o3o5.doe 020 <br /> 3/2/2005 <br />
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