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Ted de Budden <br /> From: Ted de Budden <br /> Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 2:58 PM <br /> To: Donald Cunningham <br /> Subject: RE: 10617 Rosewood Ave <br /> Good morning Don, <br /> Here is a summary of my observations made during the inspection conducted with you yesterday of the tree damaged <br /> house at 10617 Rosewood Ave. Everett. <br /> This house is a factory built structure"manufactured home."The Snohomish County Assessors records for this property <br /> indicate that 1986 was the year of manufacture. <br /> The house has been severely damaged by a large tree that has fallen on the building. <br /> Approximately%2 of the roof structure has been destroyed. Walls have been crushed and portions of the floor system <br /> have been damaged. Portions of the electrical system have been damaged. <br /> The electrical panel is located in the damaged area.This electrical panel is currently energized and connected to the <br /> public utility. Portions of the electrical system (wiring and associated hardware) have been removed in the damaged <br /> area. <br /> Attempts to temporarily shore the structure have been made.Tarps have been applied in an effort to protect the <br /> damaged areas. <br /> The house is currently being occupied and used for storage. It is also serving as an electrical and water source for the <br /> recreational vehicles being used in the rear yard. <br /> The structure is damaged to such an extent that it is unfit for human occupancy. <br /> This is an Unsafe Structure and as defined by code. (IPMC section 108.1.1) <br /> I fully support and encourage enforcement action to abate these conditions. <br /> Thank you for the opportunity to provide assistance in this matter. <br /> Ted de Budden <br /> Chief Inspector <br /> Everett Building Department <br /> 425.257 7271 <br /> • <br /> From: Donald Cunningham <br /> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 4:31 PM <br /> To: Ted de Budden <br /> Subject: 10617 Rosewood Ave <br /> Ted- <br /> Thank you for coming along on the inspection today. I have attached a copy of my inspection photos. Please reply with a <br /> summary of your observations of this tree damaged manufactured home. <br /> Thanks! <br /> 1 <br />