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Page 2 of 5 <br /> 5. Submit soil samples from each test pit for chemical analyses of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) <br /> by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8270 and diesel and oil-range petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons by method NWTPH-Dx. Additional testing for specific samples will be completed following <br /> MTCA Table 830-1. Chemical testing will be performed on a standard turnaround time by an <br /> Ecology-certified environmental laboratory under subcontract to GeoEngineers. <br /> 6. Evaluate chemical analytical results for the soil data gap samples relative to MICA cleanup levels for the <br /> Property. <br /> Task 2: Environmental Cleanup Plans and Specifications and Contractor Procurement Support <br /> 1. Prepare an addendum to the CAP following completion of data gaps assessment. <br /> 2. Prepare plans and specifications for the environmental cleanup for use by the City in bid advertisement <br /> for a cleanup contractor. <br /> 3. Provide support to the City as needed related to contractor procurement include attending a pre-bid <br /> meeting if requested, and respond to questions from bidders. <br /> Task 3:Cleanup Construction Observation <br /> 1. Update GeoEngineers' health and safety plan for on-site field work. <br /> 2. Review and respond to Contractor submittals per the Plans and Specifications. Coordinate cleanup <br /> construction field tasks and scheduling with the City and their selected contractor. <br /> 3. Observe and document the soil cleanup remedial excavation activities on a full-time basis during removal <br /> of contaminated soil. Daily activities and general observations will be recorded and photographed by a <br /> field engineer, geologist or environmental scientist (such as documenting the number of trucks hauling <br /> contaminated soil to an approved landfill) and included in daily field reports. Conduct periodic field <br /> screening of excavated soil and document observations. We have assumed the remedial excavations will <br /> require approximately 5 full-time days for our field engineer or scientist. <br /> 4. Obtain soil cleanup confirmation remedial excavation base and sidewall soil samples and submit the <br /> samples for chemical analysis to a subcontracted lab to confirm compliance with MICA cleanup levels and <br /> advise the contractor if additional remedial excavation is required. <br /> 5. Summarize the results of the remedial excavation activities in a soil cleanup report.Submit the draft report <br /> to the City for review and comment. GeoEngineers will incorporate the City's comments and issue a final <br /> cleanup report for submittal to Ecology under the VCP. <br /> 6. For groundwater compliance monitoring purposes as required under the CAP, monitor the installation of <br /> two 2-inch diameter groundwater compliance monitoring wells which will be installed using hollow-stem <br /> auger (HSA) drilling by a licensed drilling company under subcontract to GeoEngineers. The monitoring <br /> wells will extend to approximately 10 feet below the apparent seasonal low groundwater level, which is <br /> presumed to range between approximately 10 and 15 feet bgs;the actual depth may vary based on field <br /> screening results and observed groundwater conditions during drilling. The wells will be screened with <br /> 0.010-inch or 0.020-inch slot width polyvinyl chloride (PVC) well screen spanning the zone of water table <br /> fluctuation and extending into the vadose zone. Silica sand will be placed in the borehole annulus <br /> surrounding the well screen and the annulus will be sealed above the sand with bentonite and concrete <br /> to ground surface. A concrete well monument will be fitted with a locking cap within flush-mounted well <br /> monument and locking steel monument lid. The drillers will submit resource protection well notification <br /> GeoEngineers,Inc. <br /> He No.0661-108-03 <br />