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Ted de Budden <br /> From: Ted de Budden <br /> Sent: Wednesday,January 24, 2018 9:54 AM <br /> To: Edward Golden <br /> Subject: RE: CE17-1272 2610 Hoyt Av <br /> Hi Eddie my apologies, <br /> I somehow failed to send you my report for the building located at 2610 Hoyt. <br /> Here is a brief summary based on my review of the Everett Fire Department deficiency notice dated 12/26/2017 and <br /> observations made with you during our inspection January 12th <br /> I cannot locate within the applicable codes any requirement for panic hardware as requested within the EFD deficiency <br /> notice item#1. <br /> I do agree with EFD that the building code requires means of egress doors within this occupancy to unlatch with but one <br /> operation as per IBC section 1010.1.9.5 <br /> The deficiency letter item #4 indicates that electrical defects exist within the building.This was confirmed during our <br /> inspection. <br /> The electrical system and wiring within the structure requires detailed evaluation and correction by a Washington State <br /> licensed Electrical Contractor.This electrical work requires permits and inspection approval by this department as <br /> outlined in the EFD report and as required by code. IPMC 605.1 and IBC 105.1 <br /> Not mentioned in the EFD report is the occupancy of the uppermost floor of the structure. <br /> Our observations of this apartment revealed indications of unpermitted work.This included unvented plumbing and <br /> electrical features installed for a laundry. Due to the obvious alterations of this area of the building,the use of the upper <br /> floor for dwelling space should be reviewed for all required features including adequate means of egress. <br /> This review should occur during the permitting and inspection process to abate the violations within the structure. <br /> Thank you for the opportunity to provide assistance in this matter. <br /> Ted M. de Budden <br /> Chief Inspector <br /> Everett Building Department <br /> 425.257 7271 <br /> From: Edward Golden <br /> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 3:48 PM <br /> To: Ted de Budden <br /> Subject: CE17-1272 2610 Hoyt Av <br /> Hi Ted, <br /> I thought you emailed me your determination for 2610 Hoyt Av from 12 Jan—am I confused?O <br /> If you did email that to me, can you please re-send it to me again. I can't find it. <br /> 1 <br />