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Ted de Budden <br /> From: Ted de Budden <br /> Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 11:17 AM <br /> To: Spring Wathen <br /> Subject: RE: 2124 Rockefeller <br /> Good Morning Spring, <br /> I investigated the concerns about the structures referred to in your email inquiry at 2124 Rockefeller Ave. Here is a brief <br /> summary of my observations, research, and findings. <br /> The smaller metal structure to the west side of the property is located almost entirely on the alley and public right of <br /> way. Due to the ROW location and lack of permits this structure should be removed ASAP. <br /> The larger structure that has been recently erected on the south west corner of the property has been constructed <br /> without required permits and approvals IRC section R105.1). The structure is located within a required side yard setback <br /> area which is prohibited by zoning ordinance and section R105.2.The structure is large, (500+sq.ft.) and not exempt <br /> from permits. IRC section R105.2. This building also lacks fire resistive construction at the south side as required by <br /> code. Section R302.1 <br /> Both of these structures are Unlawful as defined by code. IPMC sections 106.1 and 108.4. <br /> The larger structure due to the lack of required fire resistive construction is also defined as Dangerous. IPMC section <br /> 108.1.5 subsection 10. <br /> I encourage enforcement action to abate these violating structures.Thank you for the opportunity to provide support in <br /> this matter. <br /> Sincerely <br /> Ted Budden <br /> Chief Inspector <br /> Everett Building Department <br /> 425.257 7271 <br /> From: Spring Wathen <br /> Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 9:41 AM <br />