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2514 RAINIER AVE 2022-03-01
Address Records
2514 RAINIER AVE 2022-03-01
Entry Properties
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3/1/2022 10:45:56 AM
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6/9/2021 10:17:56 AM
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Staff Response: The proposed school replacement would not adversely impact traffic or <br />increase student capacity. On -site parking will be moved further west from residentially <br />zoned properties. Bus traffic will be separated from staff and parent drop-off/pick-up. The <br />relocation of the staff and parent pick-up/drop-off from public streets increases pedestrian <br />and public safety. The traffic study submitted, dated August 2017, concludes that the site is <br />expected to have sufficient parking and queuing space with limiting impacts to 26th Street. <br />Existing sidewalks will be retained and new pedestrian connections between parking and <br />access areas added. Additionally, a ten -foot landscape buffer around the parking lot and <br />separating the bus access along Rainier Avenue will help buffer traffic from pedestrian <br />walkways. <br />4. The provision of adequate off-street parking, on -site circulation, and site access. <br />Staff Response: The proposal includes an increase of seven parking stalls, from 146 to <br />153. The new parking lot will be accessed from 26' Street exiting onto 25th Street towards <br />Broadway. School bus load/unload area will be located off of Rainier Avenue and a pull- <br />out along the north side of 26th Street for special education buses. Congestion during peak <br />times is possible, however the proposed layout is intended to improve conditions of this <br />existing and expected occurrence. <br />5. Compatibility of proposed structures and improvements with surrounding properties, <br />including the size, height, location, setback and arrangement of all proposed buildings <br />and facilities, especially as they relate to light and shadow impacts on more sensitive <br />land uses and less intensive zones. <br />Staff Response: The proposed new structures will be set back approximately 38 feet from <br />the east side property line parallel to Rainier Avenue. The proposed building height of 32 <br />feet is below the 45-foot height limit for the R-3 zone. A mechanical penthouse above the <br />north portion of the academic wing will reach a height of 43 feet. A screening combination <br />of masonry, metal panels, and painted cement fiber board will be used. Light trespass from <br />site lighting will be compliant under IES `full cutoff requirements. Fixture placement will <br />target areas for visibility illumination and minimize trespass to areas off -site. <br />6. The number, size and location of signs, especially as they relate to more sensitive land <br />uses. <br />Staff Response: A new monument sign and separate reader board sign are proposed. Signs <br />will be assessed under a separate permit and is not included with this decision. <br />7. The landscaping, buffering and screening of buildings, parking, loading and storage <br />areas, especially as they relate to more sensitive land uses. <br />Staff Response: Landscaping and street trees, 1 per 30 feet, will be provided along <br />property lines fronting on 24th Street, Rainier Avenue, and 26th Street. Additional <br />landscaping will be provided within a 10 foot landscape strip along the west property lines <br />and parking area. Parking should not be visible to residential uses along Rainier Avenue <br />due to the location behind line of sight of the proposed structures. <br />SPU 17-008 <br />age 2 of 16' <br />
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