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8. The generation of nuisance irritants such as noise, smoke, dust, odor, glare, visual <br />blight or other undesirable impacts. <br />Staff Response: Temporary, localized increase in nuisance irritants will be related to the <br />duration of the project during construction and limited to designated hours under City code. <br />No significant air quality impacts are expected. <br />9. Consistency with the goals and policies of the Everett General Plan for the area and <br />land use designation in which the property is located. <br />Staff Response: The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as 2.1, Schools/Churches. <br />The Comprehensive Plan Land Use policies, Policy 2.1.8, 2.7, and 2.10 promote <br />coordination on using existing area for public use to the best extent feasible, sensitivity and <br />compatibility to surrounding land uses, and close to multiple modes of transportation. The <br />proposed development is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />10. Compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance and other City, State and Federal <br />regulations. <br />Staff Response: All necessary City of Everett permits must be obtained for the proposal <br />prior to construction. The proposal will comply with the provisions of the City's Zoning <br />Code and the applicant must obtain any required County, State, and/or Federal permits. <br />11. Accessibility to public transit, and traffic reduction measures proposed by the <br />applicant to reduce dependence of the proposed use on the automobile. <br />Staff Response: Public transit is available within 0.25 miles of the subject property along <br />Broadway. <br />SPECIFIC SPECIAL PROPERTY USE EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR PUBLIC AND <br />PRIVATE ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHHOLS, COLLEGES, <br />UNIVERSITIES, AND PUBLIC VOCATIONAL EDUCATION CENTERS. <br />The following staff responses are based on applicable criteria in relation to the proposed project, <br />established in EMC 19.41.150.D.2.a — Special Property Use Permits — for "Public and Private <br />Elementary and Secondary Schools, Colleges, Universities and Public Vocational Education <br />Centers." <br />(1) Elementary and middle schools may be located on local or arterial streets. High <br />schools shall be located adjacent to or within four hundred feet of collector or arterial <br />streets. <br />Staff Response: The proposed new construction will not expand the existing site. North <br />Middle School is located on local streets: Rainier Avenue, between 24th Street and 26th <br />Street. <br />(2) Structures shall be located a minimum of twenty-five feet from adjacent residentially <br />zoned properties. Buildings over twenty-five feet in height shall have an additional <br />setback of one foot for each foot over twenty-five feet in height. <br />SP - <br />age 3 of 10 <br />