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Ms. Corrie Stark <br /> Plan Check Number: B2006-047, First Building Review <br /> July 30, 2020 <br /> Architectural <br /> 1. Architectural drawings should be provided specifying the general building layout. See IRC <br /> Section 106.1.1. The drawings should include but are not limited to: <br /> a. Floor, basement, reflected ceiling, and roof plans, exterior elevations, building sections, and <br /> other sections, details, architectural general notes, and other information as required to <br /> specify the proposed construction. The drawings should include all dimensions, elevations, <br /> slopes, etc. required to define the proposed work. Story heights should not exceed the <br /> limits of IRC Section R301.1.3. The total building height should not exceed the limits of the <br /> EMC. <br /> b. Use of each room. Provide dimensions, area, ceiling height, and use for all rooms (IRC <br /> Sections R304 and R305). Building must include at least one restroom and kitchen (IRC <br /> Sections R306.1 and R306.2). Hallways should comply with IRC Section R311.6. <br /> c. Kitchens should be provided with local exhaust per IRC Section R303.4. Each dwelling unit is <br /> limited to one kitchen unless a variance is approved by the Planning Department (EMC). <br /> d. Bathroom layouts should comply with IRC Section R307. Bathrooms should have local <br /> exhaust per IRC Sections and M1507.4 (WAC). <br /> e. Laundry rooms should be indicated on the plans and provided with local exhaust per IRC <br /> Sections M1507.4 except when included in another room (e.g., bathroom) equipped with a <br /> local exhaust and not separated by a door. The dryer exhaust duct should comply with IRC <br /> Section M1502.4. <br /> f. The location, type, size, and swing of all doors. The minimum clearance for all doors should <br /> be 6'-8" per IRC Section R305.1. Provide egress doors and landings per IRC Sections <br /> R311.1 through R311.3. Doors should not swing over stairs per Section R311.7.6. <br /> g. All rooms should include windows per IRC Section R303.1 except where compliant artificial <br /> light is provided. The location, size, and bottom sill height of all windows. The total area of <br /> windows for each side of the building should be limited per IRC Tables R302.1(1) or <br /> R302.1(2). Emergency escape windows should comply with IRC Section R310. Safety <br /> glazing should be specified where required per IRC Section R308.4. Fall protection should <br /> be provided when required per Section R312.2.1. <br /> h. Details for the construction of all walls (i.e., interior and exterior, bearing and nonbearing) <br /> should be provided. Walls should include fire blocking per IRC Section R302.11. <br /> i. The exterior walls should have fire-rated construction per IRC Tables R302.1(1) or <br /> R302.1(2). The exterior walls should be covered with a weather-resistant materials per IRC <br /> Section R703, including a barrier per Section R703.2. <br /> j. The roof should be covered per IRC Section R903. Asphalt roofing should include an <br /> underlayment complying with IRC Section R905.1.1 and Table R905.1.1(2). Roof ventilation <br /> should be specified complying with IRC Section R806; a minimum 1" air gap should be <br /> provided between the insulation and roof sheathing per Section R806.3. Roofs with attic <br /> spaces should provide access hatches per IRC Section R807. <br /> k. Crawl spaces under buildings should be provided with ventilation per IRC Section R408.1 <br /> (WAC). Access hatches should be provided complying with IRC Section 408.4. The grade <br /> should comply with IRC Section R408.6. <br /> I. The exterior of the building should be insulated to provide a thermal envelop complying with <br /> the 2015 WSEC. The thermal rating (i.e., Rmin, Umex) should be specified for each <br /> component of the building (e.g., walls, windows). Prescriptive values should be specified <br /> per WSEC Tables R402.1.1 or R402.1.3. The envelop should include the footings, below- <br /> 3200 Cedar Street © 425.257.8810 O <br /> Everett, WA 98201 425.257.8857 fax <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br />