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May 21, 2014 <br /> approaches to our common challenges. Through a collaborative process <br /> the taskforce expects to develop community based recommendations to <br /> begin addressing street level social issues in Everett. He stated that they <br /> intend to begin the taskforce in mid-June. <br /> COUNCIL <br /> Council Member Murphy reported on his attendance at the Health District <br /> Board and LEOFF Pension Board meetings. He requested that CAA/CFO <br /> Debra Bryant outline the process over the next several weeks related to <br /> the budget. <br /> CAA/CFO Debra Bryant stated that she is working with the Mayor and the <br /> departments to develop a series of recommendations that will be brought <br /> forward for city council consideration at the June 4, 2014 council meeting. <br /> Council Member Gipson expressed his concern related to the city's <br /> decision not to assist with barricades for the Cruizin' Colby street closure <br /> and other large events held in the city. He stated that it can be difficult for <br /> non-profits to budget funds for barricades from a private company. <br /> Ryan Sass, Public Works, explained the process by which the decision <br /> was made to scale back the city's support of large events. He stated that <br /> there were 76 special events supported by the street and traffic <br /> departments in 2013. He remarked that the crews spend over 100 hours <br /> or the equivalent of $4,500 to $5,000 to set up and take down barricades <br /> for an event such as Cruizin' Colby. He stated that the private sector <br /> market for providing traffic control barricades is very efficient and <br /> streamlined, and they have large inventories of barricades and signs that <br /> can be delivered on short notice. <br /> Considerable discussion ensued. <br /> Moved by Council Member Gipson to provide barricades for Cruizin' <br /> Colby this weekend because of the fact that the city has a three year <br /> commitment with them. <br /> Motion died for lack of second. <br /> 130 <br />