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0 • <br /> HEALTH DISTRICT <br /> WWW.SNOHD.ORG Environmental Health Division <br /> October 14, 2013 <br /> Jay Zeng <br /> 2818 Hewitt Ave �L 3 0 1--D,�3 <br /> Everett, WA 98201 <br /> Subject: Proposed Katana Sushi, 2818 Hewitt Ave, Everett <br /> Dear Mr. Zeng: <br /> Your revised plans and information have been reviewed with the Rules and Regulations of the State <br /> Board of Health, and with the policies of the Snohomish Health District. With the addition of the <br /> following conditions, the plans are approved. <br /> 1. The conditional approval of the plans for Katana Sushi was based upon the revised plans <br /> submitted 10/3/2013 , the menu submitted 10/3/2013 and HACCP submitted 8/21/2013. Any <br /> changes to the plans submitted 10/3/2013 , the menu submitted 10/3/2013 and HACCP <br /> submitted 8/21/2013 without void this approval from the Health District will void this <br /> approval. <br /> 2. The Health District operating permit application process must be completed prior to opening for <br /> business. This facility will be classified as a medium risk food establishment with 13-50 seats. <br /> 3. The menu submitted contains hand written corrections and is not the menu that will be used by the <br /> customers. A copy of the actual customer menu that will be used including the consumer advisory <br /> that will be used must be submitted prior to the request for a preoperational inspection. Approval to <br /> open will not be given without submittal and approval of the actual customer menu and <br /> consumer advisory. <br /> 4. The three-compartment sink must have integral drainboards at both ends. <br /> 5. The food preparation sink must have at least one integral drainboard. <br /> 6. An indirect waste drain (an air gap) is required for the food preparation sink, three-compartment <br /> sink, water dispenser drip basin, ice machine, and any equipment in which food or food contact <br /> equipment is placed. Please note that a direct drain to a grease trap is not considered an indirect <br /> drain even if the grease trap is indirectly drained. <br /> 7. A horizontal separation of at least 16 inches or a vertical partition 16 inches in height is required <br /> between the handwash sink and the front counter food preparation areas. If splashguards <br /> (equipment, partitions and/or walls) are provided on both sides of a handwash sink the distance <br /> between the splashguards must be at least 18 inches apart (shoulder width) to allow proper access <br /> to the handwash sink. <br /> 8. It cannot be determined from the floor plan or information submitted whether or not a chemical <br /> dispensing system will be installed at the mop sink. Please note that the use of screw-on type 'wye' <br /> adaptors at the mop sink faucet for use with chemical dispensing systems is prohibited. Additionally <br /> chemical dispensers cannot be connected to the mop sink faucet. The chemical dispenser must <br /> have a separate water connection. A `sidekick' adaptor at the mop sink faucet is acceptable. <br /> 9. Water heaters must be of sufficient size to provide hot water to dishwasher and/or scullery sinks <br /> and at the same time provide hot water to all handwash sinks. <br /> 10. Hot water must be available to all handwash sinks within 15 seconds. The hot water for the facility <br /> must not be used, at any plumbing fixture, for a minimum of 6 hours prior to the preoperational <br /> inspection. This is required so that proper testing of the 15-second time requirement for hot water <br /> availability can be completed. <br /> 3020 Rucker Avenue, Suite 104 0 Everett, WA 98201-3900 0 tel: 425.339.5250 0 fax: 425.339.5254 <br />