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. <br />> The section that you referenced� he WA State Amendment to the International Residential Code as it <br />applies to adult family homes. However there is no reference to the width of stairs in that section. <br />> <br />> I will look into this further from my end. Once I have a more definitive answer I will get back to you. <br />> <br />> <br />> Jeff Heilman <br />> Development Technician <br />> City of Everett <br />> Engineering/ Public Services Division <br />> 3200 Cedar Street, Everett WA 98201 <br />>Phone 425-257-8976 <br />> Fax 425-257-8857 <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> -----Original Message----- <br />> From: Sam Akyel [mailto:samakyelC�] <br />> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 1:19 PM <br />> To� Jeff Heilman <br />> Sub ject: Re: 2007 Oakes Adult Fami ly Home <br />> <br />> Mr Heilman <br />> <br />> Thanks for the reply. We spoke with Louis Rasmussen (360--651-6850) at WA State Adult Family Licensing <br />Office when we first submitted the plans for permit, right after you mentioned the stair case width might be <br />a problem. She had informed us then, if the house is not new construction min. width for staircases would be <br />32 inches. This was over the phone. <br />> We tried contacting her today but she is out of the office for the rest of the week. I wanted ask her to <br />provide the reference in an e-mail so I can send it you, but I can't do that till she gets back. <br />> <br />> Here is a link I found on WA State Legislature web site for Adult Family Homes. <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> I am not sure if this will be sufficient for you. <br />> <br />> Thanks <br />> <br />> Sam Akyel. <br />> <br />> On 7/30/2013 9:32 AM, Jeff Heilman wrote: <br />» Mr. Aykel, <br />» Can you please provide the code section that you are referencing. I am not familiar with this requirement <br />as you have quoted. Once I have seen the code section and read the specific code I will be able to respond to <br />your question. <br />z�� <br />