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, � ( � <br /> Conclusion: The con�munication facility will nol generate significant amounts of visual blight or othcr <br /> undesirablc impacts. <br /> 9. Consistency with the goals and policles of the Everett general plan for the area and land use <br /> designatlon In which lhe property �s located. <br /> Pi•nditie: The site is designated 4.4, Mixed Use Commercial - Multiple Family, on the City of <br /> Gverett's Comprehensive Plan r7ap. <br /> Conclusion: The Comprehensive Plan Utility �licies are addressed �in the specific criteria listed <br /> below. <br /> 10. Compliance with the provisions of t6ls tille and other clty, state and federal regulations. <br /> Findin�: The propased communication facility requires a building permit from the City's Building <br /> Depanment. In addition, operation of the facility will require wmpliance with licensing requiremen.s <br /> of state and federal agencies. <br /> Conclusion: 7'he applicant states that the proposed faciliry will meet or exceed tL regulations set by <br /> the federal, state and localjurisdictions. <br /> 11. Accessibility to public transit, and traflic reduction measures proposed by the applicsnt to <br /> reduce dependence of the proposed use on the autumobile. <br /> Findine: The sita will be unmanned. Transit services are not needed to serve the sile. <br /> Ccnclusion: No traffic reduction measures are r�;uireci. <br /> SPECIAL PROPERTY USE SPECIFIC EVALUATION AND REVIEW CRITERIA <br /> Fi�tdines end Conclusions: <br /> 1'he fallowing hi�dings and conclusions are based on the criteria established in EMC 19.41.150.D.1.b. <br /> 1. M$jor ut:lity and communicatlons fncilities shall be desigoed, �andscaped� or ot6erwise <br /> screened to ensure compatibility with surrouodIng properties. Above ground uNlity and <br /> communications snvctures and anlenres shall be designed, constru¢�ed� p��t� �d screened <br /> so as to blend �,Ith surrow�ding uses aod buildings. The review authotity may impnse <br /> addillonal restr:clions on the Iocatlon, selbacka, height, design landscaping and screening ot <br /> above grouud utiilty and rnmmunlca�ions faciNties if necessary tu rn(Nm�ye �isua� jmpacts and <br /> promote grcater compatlbility with existing or planned uses un surrouodieg prop��ies. <br /> Findine,s_ This has been addressed under q5 of the general evaluation and review criteria. <br /> Conclusion: 7he cquipment building will be landscaped and designed to be compatible with <br /> surrounding properties. <br /> 2. Antennas associated with above ground utility or rnmmuoication facilitles shap be located on <br /> e�risting or replacement towers or structures to the tnaxiroum extent fechnicupy feasible to <br /> discourage the proliferatlon of tower atructures. Installal�on or co-locatlon of anteenas ou <br /> � <br />