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, <br /> 4. The provision of adequate uf'f-street parking,on-site circulation,and sile access. <br /> Finding: No additional off-street parking stalls will be required or provided. Access to <br /> the site will not change. <br /> Conclusion: Off-street parking is not required. <br /> 5. Compatibility of proposed skructures and improvements with surrounding <br /> properties, including the size, height, location, setback and arrar�gement of all <br /> proposed buildings and facilities, especially as they relate to light and shadow <br /> impacts on more sensitive land uses and less intensive zones. <br /> Findings The telecommunications site consists of a factory built concretc vault with a <br /> retaining wall up to ten feet in height to the east and south. The vault will meet all <br /> required setbacks and will be located over 450 feet away from Evergreen Way. The vault <br /> is approximately 72 square feet in area and will be up to six feet in height above the <br /> finished grade. <br /> The retaining wall will be conswcted within the ten-foot setback that is required from the <br /> adjacent residentially zoned property to the east.The retaining wall will be approximately <br /> 1.5 feet from an existing fence and approximately 6.5 feet from the east property line. <br /> Subsection 39.150 of the Zoning Code allows rockeries and retaining walls in required <br /> building setback areas if the rockery or wall is; <br /> a. not being used for direct structural support of a building; <br /> b. is reasonably necessary to provide support to a cut or slope; <br /> c. will not obstruct or interfere with the vision of vehides or pedestrians using the street <br /> or driveways; and <br /> d. is 36" in height or less. <br /> In situations where it is necessary to build a rockery or retaining wall higher than 36" <br /> within the building setbacks, the Planning Director may authorze a higher rockery or <br /> retaining wall using Review Process II. <br /> Conclusion: The Planning Direcror approves the location of the retaining wull. The wall <br /> will provide an adequate level surface area for the proposed vault. The proposal is not <br /> incompatible with surrounding uses. <br /> 6. The number, size aad location of signs, especially as they rrlate to more sensitive <br /> land uses. <br /> Finding: Sign Category A applies. <br /> Conclusion: No signs are proposed. <br /> � /� <br />