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Embar Equities Corporation <br />November 4, 1985 <br />E-2773 <br />Page 3 <br />Fill soils up to four feet thick were found zlong Evergreen <br />Way. The soil is silty sand witil scattered organic:, znd is li}:aly <br />associated with the original construction o£ Evergreen way. <br />Groundwater <br />The ground�vater seepage leveis observed while excavating are <br />shown on the test pit logs. Water levels ranged fran eight to <br />nine £eet below existing grade. The groundwater seepage level �s <br />not. static, thus one may expect fluctuations in the level <br />depending on the amount of rainfall, sur£ace water runoff, and <br />other factors. Generally the water level is higher in the wetter <br />winter months. <br />DISCUSSION AND RECOl4�fENDATIONS <br />General <br />From a geotechnical standpoint, the s�bject site <br />is generally suitable for the intended development. The primary <br />geotechnical concern is the moisture susceptibility of the <br />on-eite soils. The high silt content will make the soil <br />unworkable during periods of wet weather. Tharefore, we recommend <br />that th� earthwork in both building and pavement areas be planned <br />for tlie dry weather periods if possible. If construction must <br />procee& under wet weather conditions, an increased amount of <br />clean, imported fill to stabilize parking areas and for use as <br />etrucf.ural fill will be required. <br />The planned development will not require <br />filla, retaining walls nr rockeries. If the <br />changes, we ahould be contacted to review our <br />Foundations <br />significant cuts and <br />acope of the project <br />recommendations. <br />The propose:d structure may be supported on conventional conti- <br />nuous and spread footings bearing on the medium dense to dense <br />silty sand soil found two to three. feet underlying the topsoil or <br />on etructural fill pla.ced above carpetent native soils. Exterior <br />footings should be bottomed at a mini.mum depth cf twelve (12) <br />inches below the lowest adjacent outside finish grade. T.nterior � r!' <br />footings may be at a depth of twelve (12) inches belo:� the top of �0�1 <br />the slab. Footings founded on competent native soils two to thre= ��� <br />feet below the ground surface may be designed for an ail.awable <br />soii bearing capacity of four thousand (4000) pounds per squ�r.e <br />foot (psf). Footings bearing on etructural fill shou!.a be <br />designed for a bearing pressure of two thousand (2000) pef. Conti- <br />nuou.s and individual spread footings ahould have minimum widths of. <br />twelve (12) and eighteen (18) inches, respectively. <br />Earth ConsultnnLs, Inc. <br />