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7825 EVERGREEN WAY 2018-01-01 MF Import
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7825 EVERGREEN WAY 2018-01-01 MF Import
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'i . . <br />�� Embar Equities Corporation E-2773 <br />hovember 4, 1585 Page 4 <br />increase in the above bearing pressures may be used when consider- <br />ing short term wind or seismic loads. <br />For the above 3esign criteria, it is anticipated that total <br />settlements of footings founded on medium dense to dense native <br />soils and on fills less than five feet thick will be less than one <br />inch, with differential settlement� of one-half inch or less. <br />Almost all settlements should occ�: during construction. If any <br />continuous footings are located partially in cut and partially in <br />fill, we recortonend that the structural engineer consider adding <br />additional reinforcement in the footings aud footing walls near <br />the cut-fill transition lir.e to minimize the possibility of <br />atructural damage due to differential settlement. Isolated spread <br />footings should be extended to natural soils in the transition <br />zone. <br />Lateral loads due to wind or seiamic forces may be resisted by <br />friction between the foundations and the supporting compacted fill <br />subgrade or by passive earth pressure on the foundations. For the <br />latter, the foundations must be poured "neat" against the existing <br />soil or backfilled with a compact fill meeting the requirements of <br />eitructural fi11. A coefficient of friction of 0.40 may be us�ad <br />bet.ween the structural foundation concrete and the supporting <br />subgrade. The passive resistance of undiaturbed natural eoils and <br />well compacted _'ill may be taken as equal co the pressure of a <br />fluid having a density of three hundred fifty (350) pounda per <br />cubic foot (pcf). <br />We recortunend that drains be placed around all perimeter foot- � <br />ings. The draina should be co:�strucred wit'� a four inch diameter � <br />perforuted pipe bedded and covered with free draining gravel. The <br />drains should have a positive gra3ier.t towards suitable discharge <br />facilities. The footing drainage system should not be tied into <br />the roof drainage system until the �jrains are tightlined well away <br />.`:rom the building. The footing excavation should be backfilled <br />with granular soil except for the tep foot which should be <br />backfilled with a relatively impermeable soil such as silt, clay <br />or topsoil. Alternatively, the aurfacw can be �ealecl with asphalt <br />or concrete pavements. <br />Slab-on-Grade Floore <br />Slab-on-grade floors may be supported on the rnmpacted compe- <br />tent native soil subgrade or on structural fill. Any disturbed <br />native eoils must either be recompaated or replaced with <br />structural fill. The slab Bhould be provided with a minimum of <br />four inches of £ree firaining sand or gravel. We aleo recommend <br />that a vapor barrier such ae a 6 mil plastic membrane be placed <br />beneath the slab to reduce water vapor tranemission through the <br />Ear1h Consultants, Inc. <br />
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