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�� <br />Embar Equities Corporatio� <br />November 4, ].985 <br />E•-2773 <br />Page 5 <br />slab and the resultant moisture accumulation. Two inches of sand <br />may be placed over the membrane for protection during construction <br />and to aid in curing of the concrete. <br />Site Drainage <br />Groundwater was encountered in our test pits at depths ranging <br />from eight to nine feet. Ha+�ever, it has been our experience that <br />groundwater levels change significantly due to changes in rainfall <br />amounts, sur£ace drainage or other factors. <br />The excavation and site shoul.d be graded so that surface water <br />is directed off the site. Water should not be allowed to stand in <br />�ny area where buildings, slabs, or pavements are to be <br />constructed. During construction, loose surfaces should be aealed <br />at night by aompacting the surface soils to reduce the <br />infiltration of rain into the soils. Final site grades shoul.d <br />a�low for drainage away from the building foundations. We suggest <br />that the ground be sloped 3 percent for a distance of at least ten <br />feet away from the buildii�as except in areas that are to be paved. <br />Pavement Areas <br />All parking and re•idway areas may be supported on native soils <br />or existing fills provided these soils can be canpacted to 95 <br />percent density and are stable at the time of constr.uction. <br />Structural fill and/or fabric may be needed to stabilize aoft, wet <br />or unatable areas. In most instances twelve (12) inches of <br />granular fill will etabi2ize the subgrade except for very soft <br />areas where additional fill could be reguir�d. The upper twelve <br />(12) inches of pavement subgrade ahould be compacted to at least <br />95 percent of the maximum density. Below this level a comgac�tive <br />effort of 90 percent would be adequate. The pavement section for <br />lightly loaded traffic and parking areas should consist of two <br />inches of asphalt concrete (AC) over four inches of crushed rock <br />base (CRB) or three inchea of asphalt treated base (ATB). Heavier <br />loaded areas would require thiaker sections. We will *�e pleased <br />to assist you in developing appropriate pivement sectzons or <br />apecificationa for heavy traffic zones, if needed. <br />Site Preparation and General Earthwork <br />The building and pavement areas should 1� <br />of all trees, surface vegetation, all organi.c <br />de2et�rious material. It is anticipated that <br />six (6) to twelve (12) inches will be <br />materials ahould be removed fran the site or <br />use in landscaping, if der.ired. The stripped <br />be mixed with any matez�alc to be used <br />Earth Consultnnts, lnc. <br />stripped and c�leared <br />matter and any other <br />a etripping depth uf <br />required. Stripped <br />etockpil�cl for later <br />mats�ials shoul� not <br />as fill. <br />