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Fidelity Title; Exhibit 13, Chicago Title, Testimony of Mr. Ingelsbe; Testimony of <br />Mr. Moreno. <br />7. The Appellant purchased the subject property with the structure in its current <br />configuration in 1999. The Appellant does not reside on -site but rents the units <br />to tenants. At the time of purchase, three tenants occupied the structures. One <br />tenant in the upper level of Building Number 1, one tenant in the lower level of <br />Building Number 1, and one tenant in Building Number 2. Testimony of Mr. <br />Moreno; Exhibit 13, Chicago Title. <br />8. According to the 1956 edition of The Polk City Directory2, only one residence was <br />shown at 2019 Rainier Avenue. A single resident, C.D. Knapp, is shown as <br />residing at this location. Exhibit 7, Polk Directory; Testimony of Mr. Ingelsbe. <br />9. According to the 1914 edition of the Sanborn Fire Insurance Map3, one dwelling <br />unit, denoted as "D" on the map, was located at 2019 Rainier Avenue. Exhibit 8, <br />Sanborn Map, Testimony of Mr. Ingelsbe. <br />10.The City submitted various building permits and utilities records which pertain to <br />both Building Number 1 and Building Number 2. From these records, it appears <br />that as of 1964 two dwelling units were located on the subject property; a carport <br />addition was permitted to Building Number 1 in 1966; and electrical service was <br />provided to a duplex unit in 1981. Exhibit 5, Utilities and Permit Records. <br />11. The City submitted various Tax Assessor records which denote a basement <br />apartment existing in 1993 and that in 2003 it appeared to inspectors that the <br />primary residence had two living areas. Exhibit 6, Assessor Records. <br />12.Although the Appellant submitted argument in regard to Building Number 2, he <br />did not provided any evidence in support of an allegation that the configuration of <br />Building Number 1 as a duplex dwelling existed prior to 1956. Exhibit 2, Appeal <br />and Narrative. <br />Side yard setbacks <br />13. EMC 19, Chapter 6, Table 6.1 requires a side yard setback of five feet in the R-2 <br />zone. Building Number 1 was built in 1918 and is setback approximately four <br />2R. L. Polk & Company, established in 1870, is a worldwide provider of information made available <br />through published directories such as the Polk City Directory, a reference manual that provides a listing, <br />among other things, of street addresses by U.S. cities and counties. <br />3 The Sanborn Map Company, founded in 1867 by D.A. Sanborn, was the primary publisher of fire <br />insurance maps for nearly 100 years. The maps show the size, shape, and construction of dwellings and <br />also indicate widths and names of streets, property boundaries, building use, and house and block <br />numbers. Sanborn maps are thus an unrivaled source of information about the structure and use of <br />buildings in American cities. <br />Before the Hearing Examiner Pro- Tem <br />In the Appeal of Moreno #06-002 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />