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monthly atreet light fee, if any, to the Public Utility <br />District of Snohomish County. Such fees are established by the <br />Public Utility District Conmissioner� and include repair, <br />replacement, opecation, maintenance and energy costs. The <br />Association ahall be cesponsible foc the monthly fee until auch <br />fees are assumed by any municipal corporation or other public <br />agency. ( <br />4.2 MembershiD: Membera of the Association shall �e <br />every owner of a fee or undivided fee interest in any building <br />ait,. subject to covenants of recocd to assessment by the <br />Asaociation and every person who holds a contract purchaser's <br />intereat of record in a building aite. There shall be no other <br />qualification for memberehip except as set forth above. Member- <br />ship shall tecminate on tranafer of fee simple title by an <br />owner or the contract purchaser's intereat by a contract <br />purchaser who qualifies as a membec. if an owner aells a <br />building eite by contract of sale, upon recordation thereof the <br />owner'e membership ehall terminate and the contcact purchaser's <br />membership ehall commence. <br />4.3 Votinq_,_Riyhts: Owners will be entitled to one <br />vote for each building site in which they hold an interest. If <br />more than one person holds such interest or intereste, the vote <br />for such building site shall be exercised as the peraone <br />holding such interest ehall determine be�ween themselves, <br />pcovided that in no event shall moce than one vote be cast with <br />reapect to.any auch building site. <br />i <br />.. •� � �- •����•� •• <br />5.1 Membere' Easements of Enjoyment: Subject to the <br />provisiona of Section 5.3 of this Art.icle, every member shall <br />have a cight of eaement and enjoymen:, in and to the Common <br />Properties, and such easement shall be appurtenant to and shall <br />pass with the title to eve�y lot and upon recocdation of a <br />contract of sale of any lot. <br />5.2 Tit�e to Gommon Proyerties: The Declacant may <br />retain legal title to the Common Properties until such time as <br />it has� completed immprovements thereon and unti: such time as <br />in its opinion the Aasociation is able to maintain the same. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Declarant ahall convey the <br />Common Properties to the Association free and clear of all <br />liens and encumbrances not later than September 30, 1987. The <br />Declarant if directed by the Asaociation pu�suant to the san,� <br />vote of inembership ae requiced for dedication of the Common <br />propertie3, may convey the Common Properties to a municipal <br />cocporation, public agency or authority rather than convey such <br />Common Properties to the Association. <br />5.3 Fv*Pnt of Mertbers' Easemente: The rights and <br />easements of enjoyment cceated hereby shall be subject to the <br />following: � <br />5.3.1 The right of the Association to limit the <br />number of guests of inembers. <br />- 3 - <br />