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City of Everett - SPU #3-92 <br /> Fire Station - Page -7- <br /> (c) Dennis McKinney-The author of the letter indicated that he disapproves of <br /> the siting of the fire station at the proposed site. He contended that the trees on-site <br /> provide a buffer Trom freeway noise, and that the site is part of the ParKs <br /> Department property and should remain as Parks Department property. He <br /> submitted that the site is used by children and that safety issues will arise from the <br /> development of the proposed fire station. Opening both ends of Silver Lake Drive <br /> for the proposed fire station w!!! he di�;i�ative and will create a potential increase in <br /> traffic and safety problems. <br /> He submitted that the cul-de-sac on Silver Lake Drive was to be for handicapped <br /> access to the park and for pedestrian purposes. He contended that there are other <br /> choices for the proposed fire station, including the existing the Snohomish County <br /> fire station, the property by the roller rink, and the vacant lot on the northeast corner <br /> of 712th Street S.E. and 7th Avenue. The letter writer also submitted that the comer <br /> across the street from the Snohomish County fire station could be used for a fire <br /> station and that the firemen could also launch rescue boats from that point. <br /> (d) Marie MacDonald -The letter writer submitted that the above ground fuel <br /> tank is a dangerous situation because of"the area adjacent - a high crime area". <br /> She further claimed that disturbance to the people living in the area would occur. <br /> She also contended that the development will be an unsightly area and an eye sore. <br /> She argued that there had not been enough objective planning done fir the site. <br /> (e) All the Kids on Silver Lake Drive -The authors of the letter indicated that to <br /> put a fire station on Silver Lake Drive in the park is a "stupid" idea. <br /> (� Lynn Marohl -The letter writer submitted that there is no need to tako limited <br /> park property for a fire station. She contended that it will be an impact to the life <br /> style in the area and the children who use the City property. <br /> (g) Peggy Ctaflin -The author submitted that she was concerned about the storm <br /> drainage and in particuler the fuei containment structures discharging into the storm <br /> drainage system. She submitted that the City of Everett has a poor record for <br /> cleaning out oiVwater separators. <br /> (h) Geraid Metz- He submitted that he is upset with the Planning Department in <br /> building a fire station on Park Department property. He contends that it will be <br /> dangerous for the people using the park and will upset the peace and tranquillity of <br /> the neighborhood. <br /> (i) Arlie Cofer -The author submitted that he was concemed about the <br /> proposed fire station located on the subject property. He contended that it will lower <br /> the residential property values and create a health hazard to some people with heart <br /> problems bec�use of the loud sirens. <br />