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City of Everett - SPU#3-92 <br /> Fire Station - Page -6- <br /> She contended that the proposed site is not the most appropriate sit�e for�afety <br /> purposes. With response agreements w�th Fire District#11, adequate coverage is <br /> provided to the area. ARhough ;he Fire District#11 Agreement will exaire in <br /> December, 1993, the fire fighters from that district can provide immediate aid to the <br /> Silver Lake area. She submitted that it is her understanding that Fire District#11 <br /> would also provide temporary building space for the fire services in this part of town. <br /> The witness further contended that the traffic at 112th Street S.E. and the Everett- <br /> Bothell Highway is great and hampers emergency service. She believed that the <br /> placement of the fire station at the proposed site will be impacted by this Iarge <br /> amount of traffic. She further submitted that pedestrian traffic will be disrupted <br /> because the Silver Lake Road will be used as an access. <br /> The witness claimed that many of the residences are small ramblers, and the <br /> proposed fire station will impact their value. <br /> The witness further contended that noise nuisances, including sirens in the nigh,t, <br /> will create a problem. She also objected to the proposed fire station being exempt <br /> from the shoreline pertnit review process. <br /> 26. Letters of cpposition to the Special Property Use Permit were submitted. A <br /> summary of these letters are as follows: ' <br /> (a) Tom Lux and Arlene McKinney (Silver Lake Action Committee) This letter <br /> was submitted with regard to the appeal of the Mitigated Determination of Non- <br /> Significance (MDNS). The issues raised in the letter refer to the SEPA re��iew and <br /> not to the permit process. <br /> (b) Mr. and Mrs. Bowen -The authors submitted opposition tc the Special Property <br /> Use Permit. They submitted that they live on Siiver Lake Ror�d and East and West <br /> Ibbarson Drive and that people in their neighborhood are ageinst the proposal. The <br /> witnesses also claimed that the City properties in ihe area are misused, especially <br /> for parties, etc. and the property values wili decrease as a resuR of further <br /> development. <br /> They contended that more space is needed for young chiidren in the area, including <br /> the area where the Fire Department is to develop. Noise is a problem, including <br /> sirens and dogs barking. They argued that the fire station should be developed at a <br /> location where children and residents would not be at risk. They contended that <br /> there are other properties in the area that are more appropriate for the fire station. <br />