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City of Everett - SPU #3-92 <br /> Fire Station - Page -8- <br /> (j) Arlene McKinney-The author objected to the Determination of Non- <br /> Significance being issued by the City. Her letter referred to the SEPA appeal <br /> prc.^.ess. <br /> �ONCLUSIONS <br /> 1. The application is far the approval of a Special Property Use Permit for the <br /> developrnent of a fire stati�n consisting of a 3,OOU square foot building with two <br /> apparatus bays, and seven parking stalls on property located 14th Avenue and <br /> 112th Street S.E., Everett, Washington. The property is located in an R-1 zone. <br /> 2. A Special Property Use Permit is required for the proposed fire station. <br /> 3. In order for a Special Property Use Permit to be granted within the City of Everett, <br /> the crite�ia of EMC 19.41.150 must be satisfied. <br /> 4. The City has demonstrated a need for this proposed Special Properly Use Pertnit. <br /> With the locating of a fire station in the Silver Lake area, the response time will be <br /> reduced. <br /> 5. The streets, utilities, and public services can adequately serve the proposed use. <br /> 6. The impact on traffic generated irom the proposed use will be minimal. The streets <br /> in the vicinity can handle the increased traffic for the employees of the proposed fire <br /> station. Further, the traffic generated as a result of the response from the fire <br /> station will not significantly impact other areas. <br /> 7. Adequate off-street parking, on-site circulation, and site access is available to the <br /> site. <br /> 8. Landscaping will occur on-site that will make the site compatible with the proposed <br /> structures and improvements. The size, height, location, setback and arrangement <br /> of the buildings on-site will not sevurey impact other properties in the general <br /> viciniry. <br /> 9. Signs on-ske will be sensitive to the existing land uses. <br /> 10. A landscaping plan, including buffering and screening of buildings, parking, loading <br /> and storage areas will be provided. Prior to any building permits, the Planning <br /> Department must approve the landscaping plan. The landscaping plan must be <br /> consistent with the provisions of EMC <br />