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City of Everett- SPU #3-92 <br /> Fire Station - Page -9- <br /> 11. Nuisance irritants such as noise, smoke, odor, dust, and glare and visual blight will <br /> occur during construction. However, they wili be controlled and when completed, <br /> the fire station wili not add any additional irritants. Sirens will create noise irritants, <br /> but they are necessary in order to respond to emergency situations. <br /> 12. The proposal is consistent with the Goals and Policies of the Everett General Plan. <br /> 13. The proposal is in compliance wkh the provisions of EMC 19.41.150 and other State <br /> and Federal regulations. <br /> 14. A shoreline permit is not required because the site is not within 200 feet of Silver <br /> Lake. <br /> 15. The permit process only addresses the criteria for Special Property Use Permits. <br /> The environmental review of this project has been done pursuant to the State <br /> Environmental Policy Act and the procedu;es thereunder. <br /> 16. The locetion and altemative sites for this proposal are not the proper jurisdiction of <br /> the Hear:ng Examiner of City af Everett. �o decision, recommendation, modification <br /> of any sort is made with regard to the siting of the facility at other altemative <br /> locations. . <br /> pECISION <br /> Based upon t;�e preceding findings of facts and conclusions, the testimony and evidence <br /> suf;mitted at the public hearing, and upon the imprassions of the Hearing Examiner of the <br /> site view, it is hereby ordered that the Special Property Use Pertnft is granted for the <br /> construction of e fire stetion at SiNer Lake at 14th Avenue and 112th Street S.E., in the <br /> C'dy of Everett, Washington. The fire station will consist of 3,000 square feet with two <br /> apparatus bays and seven perking stalls. In addition, the project is allowed to install a 500 <br /> gallon above ground fuel tank. This permit is granted subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1. Any gr:�ding/fill on this sfte shall be done so as tu not impact the surrounding <br /> properties. <br /> 2. A pedestrian circulation system for the ske must be approved by the Planning and <br /> Public V'��orks DepaRments in conjunction with ths Parks Master Plan prior to the <br /> issuance: of any Building Permits. Pedestrian walkways shall provide for efficient <br /> and ccr�venient movement irom the fire station building out to 14ih Avenue <br /> improvements. <br />