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City of Everett - SPU #3-y2 <br /> Fire Station - Page -10- <br /> 3. A 55 gallon drum full of absorbent material shall be kept in a location convenient to <br /> the fueling island and tanker transfer areas. The absorbent material shall be used <br /> in clean-uo of any spills of gasoline or oil. In addition, an empty 55 gallon drum shall <br /> als� be kept on the site for disposal of used absorbent. Instructions on responding <br /> to an accidental spill shall be made available to all empioyees and shall be posted in <br /> visible locations. After one year, the Fire Departme�t shall report to the Planning <br /> Department the effectiveness of the 55 gallon drum. �f there is any ieakage or any <br /> damage as a resutt of this drum, the permit shall be immediately r¢viewed. Further, <br /> if there is any leakage or damage at any point as a result of this drum, it must be <br /> repaired immediately. <br /> 4. Signs must be posted noting the location(s) of the pump shut-off switch(es). <br /> 5. The aboveground fupl tank shall be installed wkh the following standards: <br /> a. Aboveground storage tank� shall be placed in a bermed, impervious area. <br /> The bermed area shall be paved with PoRland Cement concrete for permanent <br /> installations. The bertned area shall be lerge enough and the bertns high enough to <br /> contain 110% of the largest tank's total volume or 10% of the total tank volume, <br /> whichever is largest. <br /> b. An outlet shall be provided from the bermed area to allow drainage of <br /> accumulated rain water. The outlet shall be equipped with a manually operated <br /> valve that shall be kept in the closed position except when the area is being drained <br /> of accumulated rain water. <br /> c. One of the following items shall be installed to prevent overfilling of the tank: <br /> an audible alarm system triggered by a liquid level sensor to alert the operator when <br /> the tank has been filled to 95"�6 cepecity, or an automatic shut-off cevice that stops <br /> the flow of product being del'�vered to the storage tank when the tank is full. <br /> d. The 500 gallon fuel tank shall be tightly se ured by such things as wood. <br /> concrete, or masonry wall with a roof and secured Ic�ked doors or gates. <br /> s. If after five years the site is being used for fire fighting purposes, the pertnit <br /> shall be reviewed to determine if, in fact, the Fire Department should be required to <br /> make other provisions for the 500 gallon fuel tank. <br /> 6. All chemicals or products of a hazardous or toxic nature that may be use�1 or stored <br /> on the site must be stored under cover and isolated fi-om the stortn drainage <br /> system. <br />