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City of Everett - SPU#3-92 <br /> Fire Station - Page-3- <br /> 7. In order for a Special Property Use Permit to be granted within the City of Fverett, <br /> the criteria as set foRh in EMC 19.41.150 must be satisfied. These criteria �nclude: <br /> (a) The need of the neighborhood, district, or City for a proposed Special <br /> Property Use. <br /> (b) The adequacy of streets, utilities, and public services required to serve a <br /> proposed use. <br /> (c) The impact of traffic generated by the proposed use on the surrounding area, <br /> pedestrian circulation and pubiic safety; and ability of the proponent to mitigate such <br /> potential impacts. <br /> (d) The provision of adequate off-street parking, on-site circulation, and ske <br /> access. <br /> (e) Compatibilityof proposed structures and improvements with surrounding <br /> properties, including the size, height, location, setback and arrangement of all <br /> proposed buildings and facilkies, especially as they relate to lig�: and shadow <br /> impacts on more senskive land uses and less intensive zones. <br /> (� The number, size, and location of signs, especially as they relate to more <br /> sensitive land uses. <br /> (g) The landsc:aping, buffering, and screening of buildings, parking, loading and <br /> storage areas, especially as they relate to more sensitive land. <br /> (h) The generation of nuisance irritants such as noise, smoke, dust, odor, glare, <br /> visual blight, or other undesirable impacts. <br /> (i) Consistency with the goals and policies of the Everett General Plan for the <br /> area and land use designetion which the property i�located. <br /> Q) Compliance with the provisions of this ordinance and other City, State, and <br /> Federal regula6ons. <br /> 8. The City of Everett Fire Department submitted that the response time for the fires in <br /> the Silver Lake area is between nine and eleven minutes. This response time is <br /> measured from Station #6 which is located west of the subject property. With the <br /> development of the new fire station at the subject property, the response time will be <br /> �ur to five minutes. The response time will be for the properties located in the <br /> Silver Lake area and the Eastmont area which is outside the city limits of Everett. <br />