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11221 SILVER LAKE RD 2018-01-01 MF Import
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11221 SILVER LAKE RD 2018-01-01 MF Import
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City of Everett - SPU #3-92 <br /> Fire Station - Page �- <br /> 9. The proposed fire station will be a temporary facility until the permanent station is <br /> developed. The City did not indicate how long "temporary" was or when and where <br /> the permanent fire station would be buiit. <br /> 10. The City indicated that because the proposed structure will be a temporary faciliry, it <br /> will not have the amenities of a pertnanent fire statior. The fire station will not <br /> include a hose tower. <br /> 11. The proposed fire station will front 112th Street S.E. and 14th Avenue. These are <br /> existing streets that provide access to the res�.iential area immediately south of <br /> Siiver Lake. The streets are near commercial areas that have access off these <br /> streets. Utilities, including sewer, •�rater, and electrical utilities, are located within the <br /> streets and are adequate to provi�e services for the proposed te�mporary fire station. <br /> 12. Minimal traffic impact will resuit irom the employees of the proposed fire station. <br /> Approximately 16 daily trips will be generated by the employees. Traffic, however, <br /> may be impacted by the use of fire trucks. With each response, the Fire <br /> Department can control traffic that could result in stoppage of traffic while the fire <br /> truck and other emergency vehicles respond to a ca11. These responses, however, <br /> will be sporadic and will not create a constant backup of vaffic in the area. <br /> 13. Seven parking stalls are being provided for the three-man crew which satisfies the <br /> required parking standards based on need. Parking is adequate to serve the site. <br /> 14. The proposed fire station will be designed to minimize overall visual impects. <br /> Landscaping is proposed, including the use of natural existing vegetation. The <br /> facility will not be of significant height and wiil not create a snadow impact on more <br /> sensRive land uses in the area. The design of the proposed fi�e station is <br /> compatible wfth the suRounding land use. <br /> 15. The Planning Department submitted that a landscaping plan will be required to <br /> create a visual separation of the proposed fire station frcm the street and adiacent <br /> uses. A preliminary landscaping plan is altached, but a more detailed landscaping <br /> plan will be necessary. <br /> 16. Access to the site will be directly off 14th Avenue. Response to fire alarms will be <br /> off 14th Avenue, north and south, and then onto 112th Street S.E. for east and west. <br /> 17. There will be a small directional sign located on-site. The sign will not be an impact <br /> to the adjoining praperties. <br />
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