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City of EverF,� - SPU #3-92 <br /> Fire Station - Rage -5- <br /> 18. During the course of construction, nuisance iRitants such as noise, smoke:. and <br /> visual blight may occur. However, upon completion, these irritants will not be <br /> present. During response times, however, noise levels will increase. The Ciry <br /> indicated that the noise levels will not, except for the emergency response, exceed <br /> normal noise levels for residential development in the area. <br /> 19. The City submitted that the proposed fire station is consistent with the Goals and <br /> Policies of the Everett General Plan and in particular, the Master Plan for Silver <br /> Lake area. <br /> 20. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the City of Everett was designated <br /> the lead agency for the environmRntal review. <br /> 21. On January 25, 1993, the City issued a MRigated Determination of Non-Significance <br /> for this project. O� February 23, 1993, the City submitted a revised MDNS. <br /> 22. The proposed project will not be in violetion of any ordinances ofi the City of Everett <br /> nor will be in violation of the regulations of the federal govemment and the State of <br /> Washington. <br /> 23. The City submitted that aRhouoh fuel tanks are under ground at their other sftes, <br /> because of the temporary nature of this site, the fuel tank will be above ground. <br /> Safety measures are provided, including special construction of the tank to prevent <br /> ' any leakage or other disasters from xcurring from the above ground tank. <br /> 24. The Planning Department or the City ot Everett reviewed the request and <br /> recommended approval subject to conditicns as set forth in the staff report which <br /> was admitted as exhibR#1 at the public hearing. <br /> 25. At the public hea�ing, testimony was received irom public wftnesses. A summary of <br /> that testimony is as follows: <br /> Arlene McKinrey-The witness submitted that she is a member of the SiNer Lake <br /> Action Committee and lives within 500 feet of the proposed fire station. She <br /> questioned the need for the station and stated that although the City purchased <br /> other properties in the area for•future fire station sftes, it wes not using them for Fire <br /> Department purposes. <br />