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Subjcct: Proposcd 1'ro�:idcncc Rcgional n4cdical Centcr Cafct.ria, 1700 13'�' St. 1�{��crctt <br /> �pril 8. 301 1 <br /> p,�„� � <br /> �� <br /> 10. lixtra �eall protcction is required on walls bchind all sinl:s, including restroom hanciwash sinks. and <br /> Ibod preparation counters and tables. n 1C-inch high bacl:splash of plastic laminate. tiberglass- <br /> rcinforecd plustic or equal is acceptable. A backsplash higher than 16 inches is required on the �+-all <br /> bchind counter top equipment i�iller than 16 inches. Ploor to cciling protection is required on the �v:ill <br /> bchind disl��v��shers. 1��all protcction behind mop sinks must cover the entire spinsh zone. Plastic <br /> coatcd hardbnard is not acccptablc. <br /> 1 l. All Iloors in the �;tchen, 1'ood preparation. Ibod scrvice, ibod storage, and dish�vashing arcas must be <br /> surfaccd �;�ith a a:rable. na�absorbent, easily cleanaUle mnterial. Gxpansion joints, seams, sa�� cuts <br /> and the lil:c in concrete (loors i•.i all are�is, including customer scating areas, must bc filled and <br /> sculcd so as to provid: a smooth and cicanablc surfacc. <br /> 13. 'I'he ceiling above the lbod preparation areas must Ue non-perCorated, nonabsorbent, smooth and <br /> casil�� cleanablc. <br /> 13. All light tixtures in food preparation and storage urcas must be provided witl� co��ers or shatterprool' <br /> bidbs. llot hold unit heat 11mps must be provided with sh�ttecproof bulbs. Liehts at sneeze guards <br /> must be provided with shatteiproof bulUs. <br /> 14. I'lumbing must mcet statc and loail codes. <br /> 1 i. 'I'he ventilation systcro shall be installed and operate�l to meet applicable building, mechanicaL and <br /> tirc codc�. <br /> IG. l�he propcsed mcnu indicates tl•�at eggs and other brcnktast items containii�g eggs are to be scrved. <br /> ���hen raw or undercook��ti meats, eggs, or sealoods and or unpasteurized juices ore oCfered for <br /> sen�ice or for salc as ready to cat a consumcr ad��isory must be available. The raw or midercool:ed <br /> lbod items must be clearl�� identificd as raw or undercooked on the menu or on a sign clearly visiblc <br /> to :he patrons. "Ilic sign or menu must ��Iso �ndicate the increused risk of food borne illness <br /> associated with the consumption of ra��� or uncie�:.00ked I'ood items. If eggs or any other food item <br /> �,�ill be servcd raw and or undercooked thcn a revised menu ���ith a consumcr ad��isory must be <br /> submilted prior to tf�c request for a prcoperation�il inspection. Additional consumer ad��iso�} details <br /> arc included on the .��closed inlbnnation shect. <br /> 17. Steaks are indicatcd as a menu itcm. IC the stcaks are mechanicall�� tcnderized or injccted (pinned). <br /> the sleakc must be cooked to a minimum tcmperature of 1�SP. If pinned stcal:s are ofCcred as ceoked <br /> to customcr order for temperaturc, t6en a consumer ad��isory for tl�c steaks is rcquired. If it cam��ot bc <br /> demonstra�ed Ly wriucn documentatioi� from the supplier that the stcaks are not pinned. a consiuner <br /> udrisory is required if the steaks will bc cuoked to customer order for temperuture. lf pinned s!caks <br /> or undocumented (unkno�+'n if pinncd or not) steaks ���ill be cooked to customer order for <br /> temperattu•e, a re�-ised menu �+�ith tlic �onsumer ad�•isory for the steaks must be submilted prior to <br /> thc rcqucst for a prcopertitionxl inspection. <br /> 1S. '�'lic proposcd menu includcs pho noodle sotips containing mcuts. If Ihese mcats are placed r.m� <br /> directl�' into a bo�al 01' soup broth just prior to servicc to the customer to cook in the hot bo�+�l ot <br /> broU� (i.�. not �ull�� cooked as part of thc soup prepazation process prior to scr��ice) Uien a cons�uncr <br /> advisory is rcquircd for all soups served in this mauner �is the me�t may not be fl�lly cooked prior to <br /> customer consumption. If pho �vill Ue scrved using raw and or undcrcooked meals, thcu a revised <br /> mcnu �+�ith ❑ conswner ad��isory must bc submitted prinr to thc request for � preoperational <br /> inspcctiun. <br />