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July 30, 2018 <br /> HWA Project No. 2016-044-21 <br /> drillers to determine the best drilling equipment for each exploration, given the site <br /> constraints and exploration objectives. <br /> • Generate Field Exploration Figure: HWA will generate a field exploration figure that <br /> outlines the locations of our prosed field explorations. This figure will show the locations <br /> of our proposed explorations, the staging areas required to complete the explorations, and <br /> the path anticipated to access the drilling locations. <br /> • Conduct Utility Locates: Prior to conducting our field explorations HWA will call for <br /> utility locates. In addition, HWA will also retain a private utility locating service to clear <br /> the proposed exploration locations on private property and coordinate with the owner's <br /> representative regarding utility layout <br /> • Conduct Supplementary Subsurface Explorations: Upon approval, HWA will conduct <br /> the proposed supplementary field exploration program,which includes a total of up to four <br /> (4) borings. The approximate location of our proposed limited access machine drilled <br /> borings are indicated in Figure 1. Each of these borings will be drilled with a limited access <br /> rubber tracked bobcat mounted drill rig or a tripod mounted drill rig. Each boring will be <br /> drilled to a depth of 25 feet or 5 feet into very dense glacial soils, whichever is less. We <br /> expect that drilling these borings will take approximately 1 day to complete. <br /> • Generate Boring Logs and Assign Laboratory Testing: HWA shall prepare summary <br /> boring logs and perform laboratory testing to evaluate relevant physical properties of the <br /> site soils. Laboratory testing will include moisture contents, grain-size distribution, and <br /> Atterberg Limits. All laboratory testing will be performed in general accordance with the <br /> corresponding ASTM procedures. <br /> • Update Geologic Cross-Section: HWA will update the existing geologic cross-section <br /> with the supplementary soil information and the updated utility alignment. This updated <br /> profile will be used for evaluation of various aspects of the project. <br /> Geotechnical Final Design: <br /> • Review As-Built Drawings: HWA will review as-built drawings of existing buildings to <br /> provide recommendations for protection of existing buildings during utility installation. <br /> • Generate Seismic Design Parameters: Based on the geologic cross-section along the <br /> alignment, HWA shall determine the Site Class for seismic design. The design spectral <br /> acceleration parameters will be provided for use in the design of the lift station structure. <br /> HWA Scope <br />